I graduated !!!I couldn't have been here without you, thanks for everything ..

Anu Mangal 730, Washington Olin, Foster, Illinois

Erasmus University (Rotterdam) MBA Admission Details and Applications Essays 2022-23

Here is a snapshot of the vital information for the applicants


At Rotterdam School of Management our mission statement says that, as an institution, we will be a force for positive change in the world. This mission, which is based on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals put forth by the United Nations General Assembly, drives our thinking and approach to education, business and the world around us. The mission also guides our admissions process, as we look for academically excellent candidates who also share our belief that we can all make a difference in the world. Keeping this thought in mind, please answer ONE of the following questions:

Essay 1.

Share how you’ve already been a force for positive change in your world. Your example can be large or small, global or local, but must highlight the positive impact you’ve had through your efforts. Tell us your story. (500 words)


Essay 2.

Discuss how the RSM MBA will prepare you to become a force for positive change, either in your personal or professional life. (500 words)


1 8 February
2 5 April
3 7 June
4 2 August
5 4 October
6 1 November



Current Class Size


Female Students


Male Students


International Students


Average Work Experience

Data not available

Average GMAT

Data not available.

Average GPA


Total Tuition Fee


Application Fee




TOEFL Requirement

Data not available

School Based Loan

Need based as well as profile based.

Scholarships/GA Opportunities

Rotterdam RSM Erasmus Essays Writing and Editing Support

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