How to Crack the GMAT Sentence Correction


GMAT Preparation is no child’s play. The Sentence Correction bit certainly not so. If anything, the very name makes test-takers, especially the non-native ones, nervous. Of course, that is not to say that it is very easy for the native speakers- their everyday use of English helps them ascertain the correct responses to questions, but not always.

This part, like other parts of the test, requires time and effort. Since SC makes up roughly a third of the Verbal Ability section, it cannot take a back seat during GMAT Preparation.

An exhaustive study of Grammar is not needed. But some “technical” skills are necessary. So the guidance of experienced trainers for GMAT Preparation is desirable. The study material that they provide will make your GMAT Preparation streamlined.

GMAT Preparation is effective only when you build speed along with building accuracy. For SC, focus on building speed as here you can save much time if you know what to do and utilize your precious minutes in solving CR. Therefore, practice is essential. Reputed trainers for GMAT Preparation guide on the required amount of practice and the ideal speed, and can help you keep a tab on your progress.

Go for GMAT Preparation keeping in mind that GMAT result is relative to how others perform (percentile considered) and commit to leave nothing to chance.

With that promise of dedication, start on SC by learning concepts and tips from experienced trainers for GMAT Preparation. Getting concepts clear is important because the choices tend to confuse. The GMAT Preparation study material will have valuable tips from trainers. Try each technique on a good number of questions to gain confidence about using it on the GMAT. Also learn meanings and usage of idioms.

Read the entire sentences and not just the underlined portions. Never answer questions without going through each of the options. During GMAT Preparation itself, make it a habit to substitute what you consider the correct choice in the sentence before marking to ensure it makes sense and conveys the complete meaning. Remember that conciseness wins over wordiness.

You need to become skilled at identifying which concepts are being tested on any given question. Break long, complex sentences into parts and check whether they make sense. Quite a lot of times, it is possible to eliminate options by considering whether there is subject-verb agreement. Do not get entangled in the mass of grammar rules but learn to decipher the conveyed meaning and form judgments about the most suitable answer.

Using logic can help solve some SC questions. For instance, if you are given “The mangoes on this tree are riper than that tree.”, you know comparing mangoes with another tree is illogical. The sentence should be, “The mangoes on this tree are riper than the mangoes on that tree.” or “The mangoes on this tree are riper than those on that tree.”

Learn from the mistakes you make during GMAT Preparation and assimilate the explanations to answers. The importance of practice in GMAT Preparation cannot be sufficiently stressed.


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