Things to Keep in Mind for GMAT Exam Day


GMAT Coaching experts prepare you well every way, even telling you what to keep in mind for the exam day.

Take the exam when you have derived the best from GMAT Coaching. Ensure that you have a scheduled appointment before you go for the test.

Specify the programmes you wish to apply for so that your scores can be sent to them. GMAT Coaching experts will help determine the right programmes, considering your profile and aspirations.

As mentors for GMAT Coaching advise, look up directions to the test centre to avoid wasting time in locating it that very day. Being late might make you nervous so reach at least half-an-hour before the scheduled start. If you arrive over 15 minutes late, you may not be allowed to sit for the exam.

Register on Arrival: Register as soon as you arrive at the centre.

Carry Valid ID Proof: GMAT Coaching mentors will tell you that you will not otherwise be allowed for the exam. Government-issued ID, government-issued driver’s license, military ID and passport are considered valid proofs. If you are taking the test outside the country you are a citizen of, carry your current International Travel Passport. Employee or student IDs will not be accepted. Bring the ID in original; photocopies are not acceptable. Your ID must have your name in the Roman alphabet and date of birth exactly as you have provided for the test appointment, signature, and recent photograph. Do carry a second ID if any one does not have all these things. If your ID is later found to be invalid, your result will stand cancelled.

Look for Country-specific Regulations: Be aware of specific regulations of the country in which you are taking the test. In India, for instance, passport book is required for identification. Seek help of your mentors for GMAT Coaching.

Know the Required Conduct During Test: GMAT Coaching experts will inform you well. GMAT is a computer-adaptive test. The duration is 3.5 hours, with two optional breaks in between. You can eat or drink only during these breaks. If you exceed the time allowed, that time will be deducted from your test time. GMAT Coaching mentors will advise against leaving the test room during the exam as you lose on time. If you must leave, take the test administrator’s permission. You will have to confirm your identity every time you enter the room (through digital palm vein pattern, which will be taken before the test starts). Seek the administrator’s help if you face any difficulty.

Carrying Certain Things Not Allowed: You cannot access your phone. Remember during GMAT Coaching that calculators or other electronic device that could help are not allowed. Your GMAT Coaching study material, dictionaries, even rulers and pens are not allowed. For rough work, you will get noteboards, which must be returned at the end of the test.

As mentors for GMAT Coaching will inform you, unofficial scores (except for AWA) will be available as soon as you complete the test. Note the authorization number as it will be needed to access official scores. GMAT Coaching mentors will inform you about the provision for cancelling unofficial scores after a preview.

If the exam is disrupted for any reason, appropriate corrective action will be taken. If not at fault, you may be allowed to retake the entire test without additional fee or get refund of the exam fee.

For clarifications, seek help of GMAT Coaching mentors.


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