What Companies Look for in College Graduates


MBA, Job Interview

If you are a final year student, you would be facing the madness surrounding the campus interview. It is essential to know what the companies are looking for in candidates before you start your campus interview preparation.

Technical Knowledge

More than your academic scores, companies are looking for the technical knowledge that is required to do the job for which they are hiring. Additional training courses in relevant technical domain or computer skills required for the job may give you an edge over your peers. During the campus interview preparation, work on improving your technical knowledge and, try to drive the interview discussion in the direction that lets you show that you possess such knowledge.

Ability to work in a team

You might have graduated with excellent grades, but will you fit well in the team structure? Employers today are looking for individuals who are good team players. This means that on your job, you need to demonstrate flexibility, willingness to pitch in for extra help when the team needs and, commitment towards the team and the company. During the campus interview preparation, work on your answers such that they display you as a good team player.

Ability to communicate effectively

Good communication skills are relevant for every job. You might be required to communicate verbally or in writing within your organization or outside with your customers. During the campus interview preparation, practice by rehearsing your answers to yourself confidently.

Ability to solve problems

Your problem solving skills may be put to test during the campus interview. Your campus interview preparation must include tackling questions which test your problem solving ability. Go through the sample online aptitude test questions of the company which is coming to your campus. This will give you a brief idea of the kind of written test which you may have to undergo.

Ability to obtain and process information

When you join any company, you are part of a team which is working towards achieving some set goals. In order for you to perform your tasks, you may be required to coordinate with other functional teams in order to obtain some information. You may be asked to process this information and present some results. During your campus interview preparation, prepare yourself on the analytical ability questions which would showcase your skills in this area.

Decision-making ability

Even if you are being interviewed for the lowest position in the company, you require decision making skills for the day-to-day execution of tasks. Ensure that you demonstrate your decision-making skills during the campus interview. Practice your answers beforehand. While engaged in your campus interview preparation, think of instances where you have effectively demonstrated such skills.

Ability to plan, organize and prioritize work

After working for few years in the company, you would be given additional responsibilities which would mount pressure on you. The company wants to see whether you have the potential to take up higher responsibilities in future. During the campus interview preparation, recall such situations in your academic career where you have taken charge of things and prioritized the tasks based on their criticality.


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