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Jack wishes that he was an athlete. : IncorrectJack wishes that he were an athlete. : Correct
A subjunctive mood construction - (wish + plural form of verb)
Circular arrangements:
"N" entities can be arranged on a circle in (N-1)! ways.
Be cautious when you see extreme tonality on a CR question or answer choices.Example: must, most, highest, lowest, worst, best etc
- Often, the key to elimination/selection of an answer choice lies in such extreme terms.
"Do so" is the correct usage when "so" refers to an action."Do it" is the correct usage when "it" refers to a noun.
As "do" generally refers to actions, "do so" is more often correct than "do it".
If Jack was a professional athlete, he would be fit. : IncorrectIf Jack were a professional athlete, he would be very fit. : Correct
A subjunctive mood construction - (if + plural form of verb + would be)
60% of the learning comes from analyzing mistakes!
Profit = Selling Price – Cost Price
Profit Percentage = (Profit / Cost Price) x 100
Profit Margin = (Profit / Selling Price) x 100
The error of comma splice occurs when two independent clauses are joined using a comma.Example: Amy sings, she enjoys it.Correct: Amy sings; she enjoys it.
1-week gap in prep hurts your progress by 3-weeks.
Don't leave mocks for the end- it's a common mistake.Take a mock every week.
Don't exhaust official material early- it's a common mistake.Save it for the last few weeks.
Approach for CR boldface questions:
Step 1: Identify the conclusion.Step 2: Link the bold part(s) with the conclusion.Step 3: Know what to expect from the correct answer choice.Step 4: Eliminate four choices.
“And” is the only conjunction that can join two singular nouns and make them plural.
Jack and Joe are studying. - CorrectJack along with Joe is studying. - Correct
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