Master in Finance Admissions Consulting
Your Candidature Presented by Experienced Admission Consultants
The elation that results from having accomplished a cherished goal felt so precious to our team of Mentors when they secured admission into their dream school that they made it their life-long ambition to guide aspirants in the best possible manner so that they experience something similar. Towards this end, each aspirant is provided personalized assistance on the applications of each school to which he/she applies. The personalized assistance results in original, templates-free essays that significantly increase the aspirant’s chances. Our Mentors work towards helping each aspirant leverage one’s skills and experiences for achieving the best for oneself. On merit alone have those enrolled with us secured seats in the world’s most renowned institutions. Multiple admits, often with hefty scholarships, are the rewards our students get for following with sincerity the guidance of our Master in Finance Admission Consultants. The quality time given by our Mentors is invaluable. Admission is a guarantee plus scholarships may be won. The high fee is but a little price. To get a clear picture of the services we offer and how we offer them, please go through the following information.
s your search for such application essays that will increase your chances of securing admission into the school of your choice? Are you looking to narrate your story powerfully through effectively connecting the dots in your profile and aspirations? Is your hunt for essays that are forceful without compromising on the truth in any way? Do you need guidance that extends beyond the nitty-gritty of grammar? Is advice on career planning after a thorough profile-evaluation and assistance on crafting an impactful story to narrate to the Admission Committee what you really seek? Do you want an experienced Mentor to critically evaluate and then help you polish your essays, and to suggest the right alternatives, if need be? With all this, the assurance of the Mentors’ availability, even during the wee hours, to guide you to your satisfaction till the ‘submit’ stage –is that what you want? To top it all, a guarantee of admission- as tangible as a 100% fee-back in case the final offer letter is not attained by you?
If your replies are all in the affirmative, do invest faith in us. For best results in terms of admits and scholarships, keeping in view your profile and scores, you must follow to the hilt the Mentors’ advice. To help us learn about you, do fill the Inquiry Form on the right toolbar. Knowing you would enable us to provide you with a customized Guarantee Statement. We make no tall claims. Trust us when we say that you will gain much more than what we ‘guarantee’.
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn”, wrote Benjamin Franklin. The endeavour of our Mentors is to ensure that the student has a smooth sailing in each stage of the MSF application process. But to help the student derive benefit from the many learning opportunities that this process offers, he/she is made to get involved.

Essays that are crisp, accurate, impressive, and effective

Essays that are well-structured, have a proper flow and maintain consistency

Essays that are original. Each student’s story is with creativity rendered; words are not picked up from elsewhere

Feedback with brutal honesty; therefore, guidance in the real sense

Confidentiality in all matters
Since confidentiality is our policy, essays of the successful students of the past years will not be shared. No student, including you, would like the idea of strangers reading his/her essays.
It is against our values to follow any sort of dishonest approach. Please respect this fact and tell us only what you have truly accomplished. You yourself will experience greater happiness when we enable you to achieve, solely on merit, admission (possibly with scholarship) to the school that is right for you.

100%! Success will be yours if you just follow to the hilt the guidance that is provided to you. We are not making empty promises here- we will deliver on them. To get an idea of the good work we do, spend a few minutes on viewing the Testimonials.
Here is a detailed description of all steps involved in the Admission Consulting process with us…

To provide a prospective student with a fair idea of what to expect, given his/her profile and aspirations, a counseling session with a Mentor takes place. The student’s profile, MSF plans, and career goals are properly discussed over the phone and, he/she is guided by the Mentor about the best-suited programmes for him/her and honestly told which targets are realistically achievable for him/her. The student is told in broad terms about which kind of schools he/she can aspire to; but the actual short-listing is done only after a more thorough analysis.

In addition to our Standard Applications Package, we offer a Guarantee version. For this Guarantee version, after giving proper consideration to the student’s profile and scores, we present a Guarantee Statement before the student’s enrollment. To give an example of such a statement, “Admission in one of the World’s top 20 MSF Programs as per the Financial Times Rankings with at least 50% scholarship.” In the Guarantee version, there is a fee-back guarantee (generally 100%) in the unlikely case of a student not securing admission. Depending on what the Guarantee Statement reads-i.e., what admissions and scholarships are being guaranteed, a premium in the range 30-100% is charged over the standard, non-guarantee package. The fee-back guarantee is the sole difference between the two versions- there is absolutely no difference in the quality plus scope of the Mentoring provided. Moreover, only if the student chooses a package of 10 or more applications can the guarantee version be availed of.

Our team is comprised of members who are either MBAs from world-renowned B-schools or retired professors and adcom members from reputed institutions. It is the ambition of our Mentors, who have had first-hand experience of the admissions process to global management programs, to guide well the next generation. One of the Mentors takes the charge of a student as soon as he/she enrolls.

On enrollment, two write-ups- Profile Evaluation Questionnaire and School Short-listing Questionnaire, aimed at gaining a comprehensive idea about the student’s profile and aspirations, are required to be duly filled by the student. The student need not be concerned about the quality of English or the aptness of expression- the important thing is that the student pours his/her heart out in order that the Mentor can effectively narrate the story and short-list the schools best-suited considering the student’s needs, preferences and constraints. The final decisions are taken with the student’s consent.

The Mentor counsels the student during a detailed brainstorming session about an effective story that links the student’s background, MSc Degree in Finance goals and career goals, and expresses why such goals are so important.

When the Mentor and the student reach a consensus after a thorough discussion, the application essays are constructed. Since the involvement of the student is considered important, his/her perspectives are sought to be reflected and his/her suggestions are taken into consideration. Yet, owing to the Mentor’s expertise, it is only desirable that the Mentor plays a decisive role in projecting a student’s candidature. The intent is to maximize the student’s chances of getting interview calls. The essays are then given to the student, ready to be uploaded on the application portal.

Our Mentors work diligently towards ensuring that the student’s chances are maximized in every way- thus, help is provided for recommendations, resume, interviews and everything else besides. Our Mentors are always willing to clarify doubts and encourage the students to ask questions- on any bit related to the process: documentation, GPA, technical details, etc. -rather than assume things.