1. If + plural form of verb.If I were the Prime Minister, politics would be cleaner.
2. Subject + bossy verb + that + base form of verb.The judge ordered that the cop take the accused away.
3. Subject + bossy verb + that + something be done.The judge ordered that the accused be taken away by the cop.
"The fallacy of drawing a conclusion based on one entity’s comparison with oneself"
-A favorite GMAT CR fallacy.
Example: Jack improved his score by 200%. Inference: Jack performed well. - Incorrect
1-week gap in prep hurts your progress by 3-weeks.
Be cautious when you see extreme tonality on a CR question or answer choices.Example: must, most, highest, lowest, worst, best etc
- Often, the key to elimination/selection of an answer choice lies in such extreme terms.
Backup strategy: On the real GMAT, if you get an RC that you just can't comprehend......you must mark randomly and move on...
- Don't let one RC decide the fate of your complete GMAT score.-- Rather, save time and get the remaining questions correct!
Commas cannot join two independent clauses.Incorrect: Amy sings, she enjoys it.Correct: Amy sings; she enjoys it.Correct: Amy sings, and she enjoys it.
Sum of first n positive integers: n x (n + 1)/2
Sum of first n positive even integers: n x (n + 1)
- A statement that can be derived from the information within the passage. -- Without the need for any assumptions or extrapolations.
Don't leave mocks for the end- it's a common mistake.Take a mock every week.
While attempting AWA, type the first and the last paragraphs first.
- This will ensure that your essay will look 'complete', even if you run out of time.- This will give you more time to think about the middle paragraphs.
From any point on a plane, only two tangents can be drawn on a circle.Length of the two tangent is equal.
In DS, beware of "exceptions".
Q. Is X positive?(1) |X| = X.
Because of the exception "X = 0" case, this statement is insufficient.
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