Because of the exception "X = 0" case, this statement is insufficient.
Two correct usages of "distinguish":
"distinguish between A and B""distinguish A from B"
"Do so" is the correct usage when "so" refers to an action."Do it" is the correct usage when "it" refers to a noun.
As "do" generally refers to actions, "do so" is more often correct than "do it".
Do not chase "tricks/tips/shortcuts". Chase "concepts"!Do not chase "scores", chase "learning". Scores will follow.
The mind-map-strategy for RCs
1.Skim through the first paragraph.Take your eyes off the screen.
2. Ask yourself the paragraph's "purpose" .Purpose is always very, very brief.Avoid paraphrasing the details.
3. Skim through the next paragraph.Take your eyes off.Ask yourself the paragraph's "purpose".Link the purpose of the first paragraph with that of the second.
4. Keep repeating Step 3 for all the subsequent paragraphs.
Backup strategy: On the real GMAT, if you get an RC that you just can't must mark randomly and move on...
- Don't let one RC decide the fate of your complete GMAT score.-- Rather, save time and get the remaining questions correct!
Angle from a chord at any point on the circumference is the same.
Commas cannot join two independent clauses.Incorrect: Amy sings, she enjoys it.Correct: Amy sings; she enjoys it.Correct: Amy sings, and she enjoys it.
60% of the learning comes from analyzing mistakes!
The mind-map-strategy for RCs
1.Skim through the first paragraph.Take your eyes off the screen.
2. Ask yourself the paragraph's "purpose" .Purpose is always very, very brief.Avoid paraphrasing the details.
3. Skim through the next paragraph.Take your eyes off.Ask yourself the paragraph's "purpose".Link the purpose of the first paragraph with that of the second.
4. Keep repeating Step 3 for all the subsequent paragraphs.
1-week gap in prep hurts your progress by 3-weeks.
"Inference statements" on CR:
- A statement that can be derived from the information within the passage. -- Without the need for any assumptions or extrapolations.
Don't leave mocks for the end- it's a common mistake.Take a mock every week.
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