Schools Shortlisting

Applying to the right schools is one of the most important steps in your journey. Always put enough research before deciding to apply. Key points that you must consider while short-listing schools are:

  • Whether the school offers concentrations of your choice (if you are clear about the concentration you want)
  • How old is the school.
  • Profile of faculty members
  • Profile of students- average age, average work experience etc.
  • Curriculum; have a look at the flow of the course and the electives that the school offers.
  • Performance of students from last three batches.
  • Try to get in touch with an existing student and a fresh alumnus from to get first hand information.

Also, from a personal point of view, you must ponder over your constraints, preferences, and requirements. The factors you must consider are:

  • Learning– Never compromise on this front!
  • Duration– Length of MBA programs varies from 10 months to 21 months. A shorter MBA is a good option for highly experienced people or for those who are extremely clear about what they wish to do after their MBA.
  • Expenses– They vary a lot. Global MBA can cost from as less as U$D 25,000 to as much as U$D 150,000. Please visit our section on ‘funding the MBA’ and see what suits you the best!
  • Location– Some people have serious preference for staying close to home land. Many want to be in English speaking nations or developed nations. Please ponder enough.
  • Brand Value– An important factor for people who intend to grow in the hierarchy of big companies.

Try to find a balance among the aforementioned five factors and rest assures that you will shortlist schools that suit you!

Also, do not apply to only dream schools, or only safe schools. Apply around 1-3 dream schools, 3-4 practical schools, and 1-2 safe schools.

Caution: Do not avoid the rankings and do not trust the rankings! All the rankings are skewed towards one geographical location or other. Hence, refer many rankings. Here is a list of the most reputed B school rankings:

  • Business Week
  • Financial Times
  • US News (For US B-schools only)
  • Wall Street Journal (For US B-schools only)

Apart from these rankings, following are the other good sources to know about universities:

  •– a very good site for knowing about schools, their requirements, and the offerings. Use its B school scorecard option, it really helps.
  •– it does not have a global ranking but it has a great user base. People from great schools are members of this forum. Hence, you can search for members in schools of your choice and leverage.

How do the students enrolled in our course benefit?

We help our enrolled students in short-listing their universities according to their profiles and personal preferences. We short-list a list of dream, pragmatic, and safe universities for every individual enrolled with us.

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