Indian MBA Rankings

Here is the ranking for Indian MBA Programs by Experts’ Global

Please find below, a detailed Indian MBA rankings. The factors included in deciding the ranking are…

    – Academic offerings
    – Career enhancement opportunities
    – GMAT scores and competitiveness of admissions
    – Brand value of the program
    – Student body
    – Alumni base and networking opportunities
    – Co-curricular opportunities and campus life

Category: A (Ranks 1-3)

  • IIM-A: Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad (PGPX)
  • ISB: Indian School of Business- Hyderabad and Mohali (PGP)
  • IIM-B: Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore (EPGP)

Category: A- (Ranks 4-5)

  • IIM- C: Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta (PGPEX)
  • XLRI, Jamshedpur (GMP)

Category: B+ (Ranks 6-8)

  • SP Jain, Mumbai (PGPM)
  • IIM-I: Indian Institute of Management, Indore (EPGP)
  • IIM-L: Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow (IPMX)

Category: B (Rank 9)

  • Great Lakes

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