“Do it” Versus “Do so” on GMAT

This video explains the concept of "Do it" versus "Do so" on GMAT. Some GMAT materials oversimplify, suggesting that "Do so" is always correct and "Do so" is always incorrect. That is not true. Watch this video carefully to understand the difference

"Do it" Versus "Do so" on GMAT

In this short article, we will cover where it is appropriate to utilize the phrase "Do it" and where it is appropriate to utilize the phrase "Do so", on the GMAT"Do it" and "Do so" are two highly similar idiomatic forms that often cause a lot of confusion on the GMAT. The question of whether "Do it" or "Do so" is the more appropriate choice is a subtle one that can be simplified by thoroughly understanding how each phrase relates to the other parts of the sentence.

The usage of "Do it" or "Do so" in a sentence is determined by what the phrase is meant to refer to. "Do it" is the correct usage, when 'it' refers to a noun and "Do so" is the correct usage, when 'so' refers to an action or clause. Let us further illustrate this point through some examples.

Example 1 - The task is tedious but Jack will do it.
In this sentence, the use of "Do it" is appropriate because 'it' refers to 'task', an object.

Example 2 - Jack is expected to record twelve videos over the weekend and he will surely do so.
In this sentence, the use of "Do so" is appropriate because 'so' refers to 'record twelve videos', an action.

Many GMAT materials make the mistake of oversimplifying the distinction between "Do it" and "Do so"; they tend to generalize "Do so" as always being the correct phrase to use on the GMAT, and "Do it" as always being incorrect. This generalization is not accurate and adhering to it can cost you on GMAT; while it is accurate to say that "Do so" is more often the correct phrase to use, as 'do' is typically paired with an action, as we have seen, "Do it" is not always incorrect.

Before concluding this article, let us quickly recap what we have learned. Despite conventional wisdom and the generalizations of many GMAT materials, "Do so" is not always the correct phrase to use, on the GMAT; in some situations, "Do it" is the appropriate option. "Do so" should be utilized when 'so' refers to an action or clause, and "Do it" should be utilized when 'it' refers to a noun.

This article has deliberately been kept brief; for a more elaborate explanation, please refer to Experts' Global's Stage One Sentence Correction videos.

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