Use of “Modeled” on GMAT

In this short video, understand the correct idiomatic usage of the term "modeled", particularly from the perspective of the GMAT sentence correction questions.

Use of "Modeled" on GMAT

While attempting GMAT sentence correction questions, there are certain words that you must pay especially close attention to. The correct use of such words can shift subtly but significantly, depending on the exact context. These words are often used to set up highly complex questions that require a keen eye and a firm understanding of these words and phrases to navigate. In this brief article, we will cover the use of the word "modeled" on the GMAT.

Comparatively speaking, the idiomatically correct use of the word "modeled" is easy to understand and remember. On the GMAT, the only correct usage is "modeled after", and all other uses, such as "modeled as per", "modeled like", and "modeled as" are all incorrect. Let us explain through the following example:

Example 1 - Venetian, the famous hotel in Macau is modeled after Venice.
As you can see here, the correct use of the word "modeled" is to state that something has been modeled after something else. By keeping this fact in mind, you will be able to eliminate incorrect GMAT sentence correction options more easily.

This article has deliberately been kept brief; for a more elaborate explanation, please refer to Experts' Global's Stage One Sentence Correction videos.

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